4 BodyWeight Exercises You Should Add To Your Everyday Routine

Hi Guys, Welcome back to our safe space if you’re just joining us for the first time I promised to share my workout routine that worked magic for me without having to hit the gym.

In the last article We talked about Benefits Of Home Bodyweight Exercises and Home Work-out Routines you can catch up on that to get a better feel of what we are trying to achieve.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Starting off your fitness journey might seem like such a cumbersome task when you think about what exercises will work for you and how much of those exercises you have to commit to before you start noticing changes. The most important part of the journey is starting. There’ll always be a reason not to start today but in the real sense with comfortable outfit(underwear if you have privacy), a mat ( you could opt for using the floor if you have a towel and rag nearby to clean the sweats on the floor and your body respectively so as not to slip) and to spare 10 mins at a time to get some routines in and you are good.

As Promised these are four of my daily routines which when combined in a combo explosive set can be very great power-cardio which burns alot of calories, helps with muscle coordination and general body fitness

Jumping Jacks

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels.com

I start my daily routine off with Jumping Jacks. They are quite playful and helps to free the muscles and joints for flexibility and they also help build morale leading into the other routines.

Jumping jacks work your whole body, this includes shoulders, hearts, lungs, core, hip flexors, and glutes. I normally advise starting off with 10 in each set and gradually move up to 15 reps per set.

You can watch videos of my jumping jacks and other routines here https://youtu.be/BOQq1q1ejzs. Also Subscribe to the Homewerk Fitness channel and you can always watch Our videos while you do your daily routines

Squats to Toes Touch

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

I don’t like squatting very much but the results of recurring explosive sessions can’t be over emphasized. If you enjoy showing off your thighs and want a good looking bootay you need to add Squats to toes touch to your daily routine. Unlike the regular squats you extend to kick your legs forward and touch your toes with your fingers before going in for another squat, with both legs toe touch counting as one rep you can start off with 5 reps in each set and move up to 10 reps per set.

You can watch videos of my Squats to Toes Touch and other routines here https://youtu.be/13PYyhQi7Us .Also Subscribe to the Homewerk Fitness channel and you can always watch Our videos while you do your daily routines.

Stationary High-knee Jumps

The benefits of adding High knee jumps to your routines can’t be over emphasized, as it helps to cover for the cardio you put in when you go for a typical run. It targets your lower body, activates your quadriceps, glutes ,calves and hamstrings while improving muscle endurance and coordination.

I recommend adding it as part of a set of an explosive power-cardio session along side the other exercises we’ve talked about. This is a high calories burning exercise when done right. Putting in about 20 reps of high knees in a set and move up to as much as 30 reps or more per combo set.

You can watch videos of my Stationary High-knee Jumps and other routines on my Youtube https://youtu.be/P1ce_fVXlsc . Also subscribe to the Homewerk Fitness Youtube channel to keep up with other routines and tips.

Mountain Climbers

Photo by Marta Wave on Pexels.com

Last but certainly not least of my Power-Cardio Routine is Mountain climbers, this exercise is great for your form and full body as it exercises almost all parts of your body from your legs to your back and your bicep and triceps.

Your shoulder muscles, triceps, chest muscles, Glutes, and abdominal muscles work mainly to support your body against gravity while holding a plank position. This is a high calories burning exercise when done right. Putting in about 15 reps in a set and moving up to 20 reps or more per combo set.

You can watch videos of my Mountain Climbers and other routines on my Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiWXwHxfZrM. Also subscribe to the Homewerk Fitness Youtube channel to keep up with other routines and tips.

Power – Cardio Routine Combo Set

Having explained each of this exercises and how they come into play to achieve our fitness goals adding all of them into one set is part of a Power-Cardio Routine that has worked magic for me in terms of weight-loss and body form,

Basically the combo set consists of;

  • 15 reps of Jumping Jacks per set
  • 10 reps of Squats to toes touch per set
  • 20 reps of Stationary High-Knee Jumps per set
  • 20 reps of Mountain Climbers per set

I would normally advise 3 set of this combo with 5 minutes rest period in between but you can mix it up as you deem comfortable. You can choose to use it as an High Intensity Interval Training HIIT with short rest period in between until exhaustion or spread it across the day at comfortable sessions to get the blood and mobility flowing.

In conclusion I believe strongly in the art of burning more Calories than you take to give the desired result, this doesn’t necessarily translate into you eating everything and anything. A diet of 2/3 times daily without finger foods and junks alongside this routine will have you losing weight and getting the body form you want. leave a comment and subscribe to getting email alerts below if this was helpful. Also Subscribe to our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@homewerkfitness to follow up on daily routines and also use as a workout buddy

I’ll be sharing some eating and food tips in my next article kindly subscribe to getting email alerts so you do not miss it 🙂

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  1. TVM

    Amazing !! Worth the time


  2. 5 Hints To Help KickStart Your Fitness Journey – Homewerk

    […] Routines You can do at home to help you reach your fitness goals, we discussed a few earlier in 4 BodyWeight Exercises You Should Add To Your Everyday Routine and we will be discussing more work out routines and procedures in the coming […]


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